In the aftermath of the Aurora theater massacre, we’ve seen an understandable, if misguided, call for tighter gun control, including a renewed ban on “assault weapons.” But since the suspect in this case broke a great many laws to carry out his mass The wealth of wisdom from Biola’s Talbot School of Theology professors is now being shared with the world, courtesy of a new blog. A series of blurbs written by Talbot professors,The Good Book Blog aims to make teachings, thoughts and valuable lessons on Since Sweet & Savory announced that they’ve taken over Kefi, the popular music venue and restaurant at 2012 Eastwood Road, there’s been speculation about what the bake shop and cafe would do. Would they move to the new location? A manager confirmed Obesity, a darling of alarmist media, is back in the spotlight this January. Warding off disease has proven to be a profitable industry as resolute Americans put healthy living and weight loss at the top of their new year to-do lists each year. Kapitalists The U.S. Postal Service needs to slash 260,000 jobs and end weekend delivery if it is to climb out of its “financially insolvent” condition, a leading House Republican told CNBC this week. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Ca., said that despite being mandated to The interactive map below is based on data from Freedom House, an American think-tank, which since 1972 has assessed the state of freedom in all the countries and territories of the world (195 countries and 14 territories for 2013). Each is given two .
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